Aegicem homes are fully integrated precast structures that take high strength commercial construction methods and military grade force protection, and scale them for residential construction. Compared to typical home construction, this synergistic integration provides customers with an order of magnitude greater protection against natural and man made disasters.
Aegicem homes exceed all national and international building codes.
Total Fire Protection
All Aegicem homes greatly exceed the highest fire ratings of all regulatory agencies. For places that are prone to wildfires, Aegicem also offers an exterior veneer that protects the home indefinitely from structural damage that can be caused by a fire, and will not allow the transfer of heat into the home. This is a life saving addition to a home when a wildfire is moving too fast to escape.
Complete Hurricane & Flooding Protection
Aegicem's entire home structure, including the roof, is able to withstand winds of greater than 200 mph and catastrophic flash flooding. This makes our homes the only choice for anyone wanting to develop real estate along a coastline and any place that is susceptible to flooding.
High Strength Window Packages
All window packages will be equipped with high strength, reinforced composite shutters that can be locked from the inside. These shutters will protect from projectiles caused by high winds, and provide protection from the extreme heat of wildfires. They are also designed to protect home owners from burglary and home invasion.
Ballistic Grade Homes
All structural components are reinforced with primary, secondary, and tertiary reinforcement. Primary reinforcement meets the design requirement of ACI 318 for the most severe disasters. The secondary and tertiary reinforcements are layers of high strength mesh with interspacial fibers that add to the structural integrity. The US military uses this method of layering reinforcement to construct anti-ballistic structures in combat zones.